Pro Arte Series 320 Round Mop Brush
The Goat Hair Mop Brush Series 320 brushes are a great general-purpose brush to have in your collection. Featuring a fine mop shape, the soft goat hair bristles will absorb watercolour, water and inks with ease, making them perfect for creating beautiful washes of colour.
The super soft nature of these brushes also makes them fantastic for laying down any pastels, as well as working with any metal leaf.
- Fine goat hair watercolour mop brushes .
- Incredibly soft with great absorbency.
- Perfect for watercolour and ink washes.
- Also great for picking up and laying metal leaf.
Pro Arte Series 320 Round Mop Brush
Campbell Road
Stoke-on-Trent ST4 4ET
United Kingdom
The Goat Hair Mop Brush Series 320 brushes are a great general-purpose brush to have in your collection. Featuring a fine mop shape, the soft goat hair bristles will absorb watercolour, water and inks with ease, making them perfect for creating beautiful washes of colour.
The super soft nature of these brushes also makes them fantastic for laying down any pastels, as well as working with any metal leaf.
- Fine goat hair watercolour mop brushes .
- Incredibly soft with great absorbency.
- Perfect for watercolour and ink washes.
- Also great for picking up and laying metal leaf.
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