Tiranti Calibrated Measuring Beaker
Polypropylene beakers marked in ml. The largest is nearly 1.2 litre capacity clearly marked in 50ml graduations up to 900ml; a lid is also available if required. With care, beakers can be used several times, particularly with silicones. Use to weigh out any liquid by volume using specific gravity (SG):1ml (or CC same thing) of a substance weighs the SG number in grams. For example, the SG of polyester is 1.13. ~ 100ml of resin weighs (100 x 1.13) g = 113g~ 100g of resin in volume is (100 ÷ 1.13) ml = 88.5ml
Tiranti Calibrated Measuring Beaker
Campbell Road
Stoke-on-Trent ST4 4ET
United Kingdom
Polypropylene beakers marked in ml. The largest is nearly 1.2 litre capacity clearly marked in 50ml graduations up to 900ml; a lid is also available if required. With care, beakers can be used several times, particularly with silicones. Use to weigh out any liquid by volume using specific gravity (SG):1ml (or CC same thing) of a substance weighs the SG number in grams. For example, the SG of polyester is 1.13. ~ 100ml of resin weighs (100 x 1.13) g = 113g~ 100g of resin in volume is (100 ÷ 1.13) ml = 88.5ml

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